Hey there!

I’m Alka Martine, the heart and soul behind Nourish Move Love Bali.

My journey began in South Africa, where I faced a tumultuous relationship with food, corporate burnout, and significant health issues. These challenges, while daunting, became the catalyst for my transformation and inspired my life's mission: to empower women to confidently embrace their next chapter without fear.

My Journey

Growing up, I often felt disconnected from myself. I never felt like I belong in my family. Funny story : I always believed I was adopted and looked every week  in the Missing Person’s posts,  in a very saucy South African magazine, Huisgenoot, for a post from my “real” parents looking for me. I struggled with body image and self-worth, leading to an unhealthy relationship with food. My corporate career brought success, but it also led to burnout and a profound sense of dissatisfaction. It was during this low point that I turned to holistic practices for healing. This path led me to train extensively in psychotherapy, nutritional therapy, and yoga philosophy, discovering the profound impact these disciplines could have on my well-being.

My Transformation

The transformation I experienced was life-changing. I learned to nourish my body, mind, and spirit, embracing a holistic lifestyle that brought balance and peace. My healing journey wasn’t just about overcoming physical ailments; it was about reconnecting with my inner self, embracing my vulnerabilities, and finding strength in them. This personal evolution inspired me to create Nourish Move Love Bali—a sanctuary where women can embark on their own transformative journeys.

  • Practicing yoga either in the garden or one of  the serene beaches of Bali at sunrise.

  • Exploring new cuisines, as I’m a total foodie who loves discovering healthy, delicious recipes.

  • Reading a good book—I’m a huge fan of self-help and wellness literature.

  • Traveling to new places and immersing myself in different cultures.

  • Spending time with my son and our four adorable Bali rescue dogs and two cats, who are constant sources of joy and inspiration.

A Little More About Me

When I’m not guiding women through their personal transformations, you can find me:


To be a source of light every day for those who find themselves in darkness and causing a ripple effect of light around me. To spread the message that you are not alone! To empower woman to see their infinite potential within themselves and create a life they dream of living. To be an ambassador of inspiration, to remind woman that our unique journeys and the challenges that came with it are the gifts of our strength. As  I grow and learn from my experiences to share that wisdom with others. To teach woman that they are so much more than just the physical body! To leave legacy of prosperity across generations that sets the stage for my son and future generations to chase their dreams and be the ambassadors of change. And with financial freedom I want to open the world's doors to my loved ones and create a healthy home and environment for my loved ones. To leave a kinder, better, healed and passionate world behind me.

My Personal Quiz :

  1. What’s my favourite way to start the day?


  2. If I could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would I go?


  3. Which book has had the most impact on my life?
    Who will cry when you die by Robin Sharma

  4. What’s one thing on my bucket list that I haven’t done yet?

    Snorkeling in the Maldives

  5. What’s my favorite way to unwind after a long day?

    Having a conversation with Alexi, my son, while we watch the sunset.

6. What’s one thing I always carry with me?

7. What’s the best piece of advice I’ve ever received?
Stop bullshitting yourself.

8. What’s a fun fact about my yoga journey?
For my very first yoga class I went out to buy a new pair of Nike’s and was super disappointed when I was asked to take them off before entering the studio

9. What’s my favorite self-care ritual?Beach walks

10. What’s my favorite go to mantra?I am so much more than my physical body!


My mission is to help women overcome their limiting beliefs, embrace their true selves, and lead fulfilling, empowered lives. To empower women to live a life where they thrive and not just survive.  I offer a range of services, including transformative retreats, insightful therapy sessions, and engaging workshops. Each program is designed to inspire personal growth, promote holistic living, and provide the tools needed for lasting change.

My Signature Program

My Signature Program

"Mastering the Next Chapter" is my signature program, designed for women who feel overwhelmed, burnt out, or disconnected from their desires. This comprehensive journey focuses on developing a clear vision for your life, overcoming limiting beliefs, and mastering daily habits that significantly impact your well-being. Through group coaching calls, tailored worksheets, meditation sessions, and a supportive online community, this program offers extensive support through life transitions, fostering long-term growth and empowerment.

Personal Reflections

Reflecting on my journey, I realize that each challenge was a stepping stone to where I am today. The pain of my past became the fuel for my passion, and my struggles turned into my most valuable strengths. My experiences have taught me the power of resilience, the importance of self-care, and the beauty of living authentically.


I envision expanding Nourish Move Love Bali's reach with innovative online programs, impactful yoga retreats, and sustainable yoga products. My goal is to increase our international presence through more talks and workshops, hosting a podcast, and developing an environmentally friendly range of products, including yoga wear and mats. 

I’m putting this out there in 2024 as my commitment to you. Saying it out loud makes it real, and I can’t wait to see this vision of mine turn into reality.

My favourite things ….

Curious about what keeps a psychologist, wellness coach, yogi, and holistic living advocate like me inspired and grounded? Here’s where you find out! Dive into everything I’ve tested and adored, from my must-have wellness and beauty essentials to the tech tools that simplify my life and business. Discover the yoga gear I can’t live without, the books that fill my soul, and the delicious, healthy snacks that fuel my day. If you’re looking to embrace a lifestyle that’s balanced, nourishing, and filled with joy, then you’re going to love what I’m loving. Click through to explore my favorite things!


Still feel like you want to get to know me better?

In this blog post I share 10 facts about me

Embark on your journey to holistic wellness and personal empowerment with me at Nourish Move Love Bali. Together, we’ll cultivate your inner strength, embrace your true self, and rejuvenate every aspect of your being with love and care. Let’s create a life filled with clarity, purpose, and joy.