Vegan Caramel Truffles

375gr Packet of Dates
3 Tablespoons of Almond Butter
340gr of Good Quality Vegan Sugar Free Chocolate Chips
2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
Choice of topping : Coconut Flakes, Finely Chopped Nuts or Raw Cocoa to sprinkle over
Place all the dates with nut butter in a food processor. Pulse until the dates are becoming one with the nut butter and you see that caramel consistency.
Place caramel in container and in the freezer for 5 minutes.
Roll caramel into small little balls and place them on a plate or baking sheet with parchment paper. Put them back in the freezer when you are all done.
For the chocolate, in a small saucepan add approximately half or more (depends on how thick you want the chocolate layer) the bag of chocolate chips and a tablespoon of coconut oil (add second tablespoon of coconut oil as you need) You can stir this constantly on a very low heat. Or you can double boil it, which means that you put a small soup pan of boiling water on the stove and then place a small saucepan with the chocolate on top of that. This helps the chocolate melt properly without burning as easily as it does on the store.
Either way, stir the chocolate till it is almost completely melted and turn off the burner.
Place a toothpick in each of your caramel balls (makes it easy to dip them into the chocolate)
Dip your caramels in the chocolate and if you have decided on a topping, now is the time to sprinkle it on or roll your chocolates in it after they have been dip. Should you want a thicker layer of chocolate dip your balls a second or third time into the melted chocolate (giving them some time in between dippings to slightly set)
Once they are all dipped and coated, place them back in the freezer for 10-20 minutes for chocolate to harden. Remove toothpicks and serve to enjoy.
They are best served firm and cold so leave in freezer or refrigerator.