My Journey: Sometimes, We Need to Rest
I am a big admirer of Robin Sharma, author and motivational speaker (The Monk that sold his Ferrari, The Greatness Guide). He was and is a constant source of inspiration and motivation to me. About 10 years ago I read these words in one of his books: "There will be plenty of time to sleep once you are dead", I literally took these words to heart!
I worked non-stop, some nights I worked right through. I was focused and nothing could get in my way to reach my dream; building my business to an International standard and moving to Bali. Seven years ago I was told that I have Adrenal Disfunction and was told to rest, my partner was just diagnosed with a brain tumour and I had a 10 month old - how do you rest in between building a business and my daily life happening.
I fell down a dark hole. I can't say how deep, but I kept on falling. Deeper and deeper. I worked harder - I had to after my partner lost his job, because recovery took so much longer than expected.
Five years ago I was told that I have Burnout due to the Adrenal Disfunction and should really consider slowing down. What did I do? I joined a partnership in a yoga studio. I was driven by; "There will be plenty of time to sleep once you are dead". I wanted to leave a legacy and I felt that yoga was my calling - I kept on working harder and harder.
Finally, three years ago, I was brave enough to take the step and follow my dream and move to Bali. I decided to do all my yearly routine check ups before we moved. I managed to get an appointment with my homeopath a day before we left. I was told that the Burnout turned into Addison Disease... I kinda ignored it, STILL!
Everyone has the idyllic belief that once you live your dream, all your situations disappear and life is just a dream. Let me tell you, it is not! I was tested, in every way possible. Everything I teach .... do I believe it? "Everything happens for a reason" I would continuously tell my students and clients. But do I believe it?
I had a live blood analysis done six months after moving to Bali and my whole endocrine (hormone) system had crashed and my blood cells were actually to exhausted to function. I picked up 8kg in a month due to hormone imbalance. I was to tired to enjoy this dream that I worked so hard for.
I knew I couldn't wait for a miracle to happen. I knew I couldn't just leave it up to the universe to "fix". I had to put in some f****ing hard work. So I slowed down. I understood that I had too. I had to heal. I had to get out of this.
I slowed down and gave myself time ...
I had my blood tested last week, my hormones are 100% balanced, my blood cells look amazing, and I feel like me again! And I am ready to relentlessly start working on Phase 2 of my dream, but this time I am making health and self care my FIRST priority.
So my message lovelies is this, be relentless on following your dreams, but slow down and rest while you are doing it!